Big Streamers Nayat


The world renowned Big Streamers Nayat is now available in Australia exclusively through Beast Brushes. That's right, the good folk at Big Streamer's offered us exclusive agency and we plan on keeping the Nayat flowing. 

What makes Big Streamers Nayat so good? Well, its the consistency!! These patches are nearly identical in length and volume. The quality of the hair is incredible and its this quality that you will see in the works of some of the best YouTube tyers such as Paul Monaghan and also Giovanni De pace. This is as good as it gets for Nayat.

Since we introduced Nayat into the country, some great Australian tyers like Axel from Free hand Flies has been blending it seamlessly with Bucktail, in fact its very hard to tell the difference. As a stand a lone material, Nayat is incredible, it doesn't matt and it retains little water like Bucktail. Nayat has enough body for reverse tying and can easily be used for hollow fleyes or any sort of wing material for big or small flies where you would use bucktail or even craft fur.